Community Organization
The Organization is paramount to any business, and designing the right Organizational Model is extremely important to the success of Social networking. It is critical to structure job roles along with training and empowerment.
We plan the Organizational Structure along with job roles to support the roll out of the platform. Our intention is to maintain consistency and solidarity with the original business needs outlined in the initial case model. Every job role is a reflection of the company image and brand, so each must be carefully selected to achieve optimal efficiency.
Community Management
Community Management is a very dynamic responsibility and involves a great deal of contact with employees and customers. It is without a doubt the make or break position for effective Social network implementation. Community Mangers must provide timely responses to both supporters and critics within an ever-changing situation. This requires a great deal of experience and savvy public relation skills.
Community creation and management is one of the prime jobs in Social networking. Whether at Enterprise Collaboration or B2C, it requires trained people to manage this part of the network. Hoooley provides trained experts with Fortune 500 experience who can bring in their expertise and help you succeed in your Social networking endeavor. We also acknowledge the benefits of using an in-house employee to coordinate Community Management, and therefore offer to train your employees in these functions.